On April 22nd I celebrated my Birthday.
Another year older and wiser, Right?
As I reflect back on this past year I cant help but think of all the wonderful opportunities and blessings I have been given. Along with the good comes the not so good. It's also been a year of frustration and a few stumbling blocks. Isn't that life?
If there is one thing I know- it's this......If you continue to be consistent and faithful with the covenants you have made- day in and day out, you will draw nearer to your Heavenly Father, receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost and you'll be given the strength and inspiration you need to move forward.
It's been a year of great growth for me.
I love my little family more than ever and I'm grateful for the eternal memories we have made and will continue to make together.
I'm grateful for a Husband who softly whispers in my ear ....
"You are a beautiful person"
It inspires me to be a little kinder, a whole lot better, and to give my absolute all when doing something.
I cant imagine my life without my Family and Friends.
One of the things I look most forward to on my birthday is when all six of my siblings call and tell me how much they love me.
It was a great day!