Monday, February 22, 2010


                                     HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Every time I look into your big chocolate eyes I melt. Every Mother thinks their child is wonderful but I know you are destined for great things. I have felt the magnitude of your spirit many times. I feel lucky to be your Mother. You have “HEART UNDERSTANDING” The ability to sense others emotion and you have great empathy. You are kind, thoughtful, Athletic and very creative. I love you Kam!


McKenzie said...

Happy B-Day Mr. Kamas!!!!

Torrey said...

He is so cute. I loved seeing you the other night, I don't get to see you near enough. I finally added you to my blog list so I can check in on you more :)

Michelle said...

Your little man is such a sweet friend to Cade. He really does have Heart Understanding. It has amazed me how sweet and patient he is with those younger than him. He was such a great sport at Cade's birthday party, though he was by far the oldest one there. Cade adores him and so do the rest of us!!!!