Monday, November 30, 2009


(Yes, Winnter is singing in this picture)

When I look back on my childhood Christmases, it’s not the gifts I remember. It’s all of the memories made with friends and family. I love family traditions. What are some family Christmas traditions you are passing on to your children? Perhaps you have created your own family Traditions?

Here are a few of our Christmas traditions.

1: Every Christmas season we load the kids in the car, get hot chocolate, drive around and count all of the nativities we can find.

2: The kids get New Pajamas the day before Christmas left by little elf’s on the front porch. (Aspen the Elf or Nolan the Elf)

3: The kids get reindeer food (Glitter mixed with bird feed) and sprinkle it allover the yard on Christmas Eve.

4: We go and See the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

5: Santa gives the kids a new Christmas bell every year. (This is to make sure they still

6: We Read the story of Christ Birth on Christmas Eve.

7: Day after Thanksgiving we get out all of the Christmas movies and watch them.

8: Make Gingerbread houses

9: Every Family night for the Month of December we take the kids and do a service project. (This is my Favorite) This year we are taking the kids to a homeless shelter to Meet with kids their own age.

These are just a few of the things we love to do. It’s amazing how the Children look forward to each and every tradition.

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